Facilitation & Consultation for Organizations

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We are committed to skillful and brave facilitation & consultation to support your organization’s transformation. Our facilitative offerings include the following:

  • Racial & restorative justice training utilizing both multiracial and affinity group cohorts.

  • Racial & restorative justice stewardship training; a train-the-trainers model.

  • Affinity group facilitation.

  • Facilitated restorative processes for organizations who have become fractured due to a harmful incident or ongoing harm.

  • Intake and outtake survey processes and recommendations.


Are you working to shift any of the following dynamics in your organization or cooperative space?

  • Dissonance between the values that inform the organization's mission & the values reinforced in the organization's internal culture

  • Unnamed or unexamined defaulting to dominant power dynamics (white supremacy, heteronormativity, etc)

  • Lack of collective skill or protocol for addressing & repairing harm

  • Covert or overt silencing of marginalized voices; strategies/curricula/materials often disappear QTPOC [queer and trans people of color] experiences & reinforce whiteness as the norm 

  • Absence of QTPOC in positions of leadership & influence

  • Features of white supremacy culture shape the work environment (i.e. perfectionism, individualism, linear/black & white thinking, scarcity, etc)


If you would like to work with us, please send us a message.